Net Zero 2035
We're aiming to achieve a net 0% carbon footprint by 2035, by:
- Reducing Scope 1 (direct) emissions by moving towards hybrid and electric company car and operational vehicle fleets (including depot plant, trucks and vans) - alongside a salary sacrifice scheme to encourage our people to switch to electric private vehicles
- Reducing Scope 2 (indirect) emissions by using 100% renewable energy sources to power our workplaces - alongside our energy efficiency plan for all locations - the Big Switch-Off League Table
- Reducing Scope 3 (indirect) emissions by decarbonising transport and distribution in our supply chain, launching a Cycle to Work scheme, tackling embodied carbon through produce lifestyle analysis, and providing reduced carbon design solutions to our customers
- Investing in environmental projects to offset unabated carbon
Enhance biodiversity
We're aiming to increase biodiversity across our estate, by:
- Developing and implementing Biodiversity Enhancement Plans in all locations, including ecological surveys where relevant
- Creating and proactively managing defined green spaces at all our locations
Reducing waste to landfill
We're aiming for a minimum 96% recycling rate, and a 20% reduction in our waste volume, by:
- Improving waste stream identification and disposal
- Developing and implementing Waste Reduction Plans in all our locations using the waste hierarchy - prevent, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover, dispose
- Removing all single use items, such as plastic and paper cups
- Introducing an internal awareness programme on waste and recycling targets
Paper-lite business
We're aiming to prioritise digital business processes and minimise our paper use, by:
- Creating digital versions of resources such as our product user guides and delivery paperwork
- Introducing an internal awareness campaign - Think Before You Print
- Delivering our Catalyst project, transitioning to digitised hire desk, yard and major project delivery processes