Mabey Hire Ltd Gender Pay Gap Report and supporting statement.

Our organisational structure has changed significantly in the past 12 months, but our employee numbers remain similar. Our distribution of men and woman has varied within the upper and lower quartiles during this year however the distribution across the organisation has not changed significantly over the last three years.

As part of the traditionally male-dominated construction industry, we have an ongoing challenge to increase our appeal to women. As a business we are looking at ways to raise the attraction to women through the development of mentoring programmes for women in leadership roles and identifying emerging talent within our organisations. This allows us to focus on fast tracking their development. Our engineering, driving and depot-based positions are predominantly male dominated however, our sales desks within the depots are predominantly femaile.

We operate a graded salary structure and are a fair and equitable employer, irrespective of gender.  We pay our most junior employees, predominately men, at or above the National Minimum wage levels. Our results do however indicate a gap inoverall pay between men and women has narrowed significantly. Our company bonus scheme is based on business performance and offers rewards to all permanent employees. The average bonus pay is higher this year for both male and female employees due to improved performance following the recent challenges. There are more men employed in senior roles which explains the difference in bonus pay values. We remain fully committed to improving the gender diversity of our business and acknowledge that our pay gap will fluctuate over time as we increase the number of women working at all levels of the organisation.

We are doing more to attract a diverse pool of talent and have introduced support for well-being and particularly menopause to support and retain women in our business and have started to see an increase in women entering the workforce.  

We will continue to invest in our people and processes and monitor our gender pay gap. We will publish the 2025 results before April 2026 as a requirement of the government initiative on equal pay.

We are an employer who is required by law to carry out Gender Pay Reporting under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017. This involves carrying out calculations that show the difference between the average earnings of men and women in our organisation; it does not involve publishing employees’ data.

We are required to publish the results on our own website and the government website.

We have used data from 06/04/2023– 05/04/2024. 


Mean pay gap = 9.8%                                              Median pay gap = 1.4%

Mean bonus gap = 9.2%                                          Median bonus gap = 2.9%

Proportion of different genders receiving bonus payment   = 87% Men 74.8% Women

Proportion of different genders in lower quartile                  = 83.5% Men 16.5% Women

Proportion of different genders in lower middle quartile      = 73.8% Men 26.2% Women

Proportion of different genders in upper middle quartile     = 83.5% Men 16.5% Women

Proportion of different genders in upper quartile                 = 68.3% Men 31.7% Women

The mean pay gap of 9.8% represents an decrease in the gap compared to 13.87% we reported last year.

I confirm that I have reviewed the data used and the calculation of the Gender Pay gap and Bonus Pay Gap and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the required elements are accurately expressed in accordance with the regulations.

John Breen
Managing Director
Mabey Hire Limited


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