Mabey Hire Multibrace is a four way hydraulic bracing system, with a high load carrying capacity due to its larger section sizes. 


Pinned corners - allows bracing of non-square excavations
Versatile - compatible with other Mabey Hire excavation bracing frame systems
Clear internal dimensions - between 1923-9786mm

About Multibrace

A 4 way hydraulic bracing system, Multibrace has a high load carrying capacity due to a larger section size. It is a flexible solution with standard legs covering excavations up to 10.3m sheet to sheet with bracing struts also available to increase the lengths of the excavation.

Multibrace is also compatible with Mabey Hire Shaftbrace, Super Shaftbrace and Supershaft Plus, further increasing its versatility.

groundwork support equipment for basement construction

Multibrace has an external working range from 2525mm to 10325mm. For more information on minimum and maximum working ranges see our Groundworks Support Brochure.

View our full range of Groundworks support equipment.


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