
Hollow Ram Jacks

Hollow ram jacks are used to support, lift and lower heavy workpieces.

Our Hollow Ram Jacks allow both push and pull forces, enabling fast ram retraction - making it ideal for hydraulic sliding, lifting and lowering heavy structures or containers on site. We offer a range of hollow hyraulic ram jacks with varying cylinder capacities, available from 33 to 59 tonnes. 

Our hollow hydraulic jacks are available as single-acting, with a spring return, or double acting. The range is intended for use with a treaded bar system, such as DYWIDAG.


33- 59 tonnes cylinder capacity
Load bearing capacity: 265kN - 576kN
Stroke limit 155mm – 330mm
Can be computer controlled with our advanced Monitoring solutions

About Hollow Ram Jacks

Our hollow ram jacks work in conjunction with our Mass 50 propping system, adopting specially fabricated base plates to ensure concentric connection.

All our hydraulic hollow ram jacks are tested, certified and calibrated by our in-house hydraulics experts before every hire. If required, our hydraulics team will also install and operate the jacks for your project.

This equipment is available to hire individually or as part of a design.

Hollow hydraulic ram jacks can be generally used in a variety of applications:

  • Bridge Jacking
  • Building Refurbishment
  • Lifting/ lowering and sliding
  • Monitoring and control
  • Site Services


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    • Capacity (kN)


      Stroke (mm)


      Closed height (mm)


      Diameter (mm)


Get in touch with us

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For all hollow ram jack, project specific design and technical enquiries, please contact your local service team, Find your local depot to get in touch,

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    Have a question about hollow ram jacks? Simply send us an email and a brief outline of how we can help and we'll be in touch.

    [email protected]

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